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English Theatre at Alstergymnasium

The students of Alstergymnasium were able to enjoy two theatre productions by The Phoenix Theatre on Monday, 13th February. Grades 7-9 saw a production of Furious Games, an original play on young people’s mental health and gun violence, whereas the Oberstufe could experience one of theatre’s classics: Shakespeare’s Hamlet, some even as spontaneous actors.
The time after the shows was used to ask a multitude of questions on theatre, life as an actor, and the plays by the students.
All in English, of course!

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Jugend forscht

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Matherätsel – Problem des Monats April


Der 9.te Jahrgang besuchte das Konzentrationslager in Neuengamme

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Der Q1-Jahrgang forscht zum genetischen Fingerabdruck. 

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